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Private, offline workshop

During this workshop I will teach you everything that is also included in the package 'The Basics', plus many more advanced things! Photoshop is a very extensive program that you never stop learning. In this workshop I'll show you some more complicated 'tricks' of mine with which I know how to give my photos that little bit extra and sometimes even save 'failed' photos!

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Who is this workshop suitable for?

You are already familiar with both Lightroom and Photoshop, and are usually very satisfied with your result. Yet sometimes you don't succeed in turning that potentially golden photo into a gem.

Together we edit 2 photos from my collection (each with their own challenges) and (if desired) one from your own collection.

What will you learn during the workshop?

Everything from the workshop 'The Basics' is discussed

Extra pinches Photoshop:

  • Remove large objects/people

  • Ear, head, ... swap or make a composite photo

  • Provide an unseen sharp subject

  • Create eyes to drown in

  • Separate your subject from the background by shaping your light

  • Learn to play with colors and conjure up the seasons in your photo


Where does the workshop take place?

The workshop usually takes place in Grimbergen. The location is easily accessible by car, just 5 minutes from the R0. Do you prefer to come by public transport? Please let me know in advance, and I will pick you up at a nearby train station (Vilvoorde) or bus stop.
Provided a location with power is available, the workshop can also be given on location. A relocation allowance of 0.25€/km driven is charged.

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including digital summary

During the workshop you can choose to take notes. I will also send you a digital summary with the different techniques we discussed: a document of no less than 40 pages! This way you can always look back on the knowledge you gained afterwards!

Includes access to private fb group

Do you have a question afterwards or are you stuck during post-processing? Then you can ask your question in a closed Facebook group where I or fellow students can help you further.

Did you already follow the "Basic Editing" workshop some time ago? Then receive a 30% discount on the "Full Throttle Editing" workshop!

Is less more for you? Do you just want to know how to get colorful and fairytale photos through post-processing without the need for excessive editing? Be sure to take a look at my other workshop "basic editing".
Not sure which package suits you best? Or do you have additional questions or wishes?
 Contact me and then we'll look further!

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